
Trusting Your Intuition

Sher Episode 48

Welcome to the Dontbeacrumqueen podcast.  My name is Sher and I’m your host.

Trusting your intuition sounds like it should be an easy thing to do but unfortunately that’s not always the case, especially when it comes to relationships and our emotions are involved.  Lines get blurred and we mistake our fears for our intuition.  

So, how can you learn to really “trust your gut” and discern the difference between fearful, anxious emotions from past experiences and what your intuition is really telling you?

Welcome to the Dontbeacrumqueen podcast.  My name is Sher and I’m your host.

Trusting your intuition sounds like it should be an easy thing to do but unfortunately that’s not always the case, especially when it comes to relationships and our emotions are involved.  Lines get blurred and we mistake our fears for our intuition.  

So, how can you learn to really “trust your gut” and discern the difference between fearful, anxious emotions from past experiences and what your intuition is really telling you.

First, let’s talk about what Intuition is and how you can develop it.


1)      As Spiritual beings, we ALL have Intuition.  It’s our inner voice that guides us.  That feeling that you know that you know.  That KNOWING may come in the form of a gentle nudge to take a certain path OR as a warning when you know something doesn’t feel right but you just can’t put your finger on it, like red flags.


2)      Intuition is calm and has clarity.  It feels like a drawing or pulling energy.  It usually lives in the present, not the past.  It feels confident and comes to you when you need it.  Now there may be times when you  experience a physical response if you are being warned (for example, you could feel a calm pit in your stomach, or a heaviness, if someone is lying to you).


3)      Believe it or not, some (not all) of your dreams can be an expression of your Intuition.  A curious intuitive person will ask the question “what does that dream mean and how does it apply to my Life?”  I know for me, when I was going through my divorce, I had several dreams which held very specific messages for me.  I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt what they meant and I was grateful for them.


4)      Learning to listen to your Intuition requires you to have times of solitude where you can silence the noise, quiet your brain and practice being in the moment.


5)      Learning to listen to your Intuition will work best if you’re not pressuring yourself to make a snap decision.  Although your Intuition can still guide you in those kinds of circumstances, if you have the option to slow down, back-burner a decision and get yourself in a state of relaxation, you’ll have a better chance of tuning into your inner guidance.


Now, let’s look at what Fear or Anxiety is and how you can identify it as such.


1)      Fear or anxiety is usually future related.  The land of “what ifs” is what I call it.  When you find yourself “worried” or “over thinking” about something that could happen you’re using the logical, analytical side of your brain.  The more you ponder over your thoughts, the more fearful you become.  When you feel this happening, it’s your emotions speaking not your Intuition.


2)      Fear or anxiety will cause a panicky, nervous feeling that leaves you feeling shaken and unsure.  You may feel yourself “freaking out” as your thoughts are disorganized and self doubt creeps in.  You may feel the urge to pull back and take flight.  You know the good old “fight or flight” emotion that comes up.


3)      If you’ve experienced an abusive relationship, getting triggered in a new relationship is not uncommon.  A trigger can cause you to have a fearful or anxious feeling that is related to an experience in the past but may not apply to your current relationship.  It’s important that you identify when that is happening so you don’t bring old, unhealed wounds from your past forward.


Whether you believe it or not, tuning in to your Intuition is a valuable tool for all areas of your life, not just relationships.  That doesn’t mean you can’t acknowledge your emotions but you will have to discern when they are clouding your judgment and leading you towards fear and anxiety.  


Intuition is truly a Gift.  I hope you take the time to get curious and tune in to your Inner Voice. You won’t be disappointed.