
You Matter


In this episode, I’m going to talk about how to remember that “YOU Matter”.  It’s not always easy in this world of ours to feel like we do; matter that is.  We get lost in relationships, responsibilities and caring for others more than we care for ourselves.  We are left wondering if we are contributing at all to this great thing we call Life. 

Welcome to the Dontbeacrumbqueen podcast.  My name is Sher and I’m your host.

In this episode, I’m going to talk about how to remember that “YOU Matter”.  It’s not always easy in this world of ours to feel like we do; matter that is.  We get lost in relationships, responsibilities and caring for others more than we care for ourselves.  We are left wondering if we are contributing at all to this great thing we call Life. 

You can especially feel this way if you’ve experienced an abusive relationship.  Your self-esteem, no doubt, took a hit.  Abusers are very good at emasculating their partner and reducing them to nothingness.  Even if you stood up to them and fought back, their degrading words and treatment towards you left you feeling hollow, unseen, unheard, and unimportant.

Although you encountered someone in your life that made you feel insignificant, you didn’t live through what you’ve lived through for naught.  It was a Divine design to remind you how valuable you are and that you are Worthy.  These experiences were meant to teach you how to “unlearn” old behaviors as well as “learn” new ones.  Healthy would replace unhealthy.  Healing would replace broken.  Peace would replace chaos and Contentment would replace loneliness.

People spend a lifetime chasing things outside of themselves to feel important, to feel like they matter, and to feel like they are making a difference.  For many, a lofty title in the workplace or a big salary makes them feel like they’ve attained that level of importance.  Big things definitely feed the ego but some of the most successful people are the most unfulfilled.  Approval is something you cannot gain from the world around you.  

Feeling like you matter comes from the inside, not the outside.  It comes when you learn to believe in, validate and approve yourself.  

No one has a story like yours and no one can touch lives like you can.  You are Unique with a Unique purpose and your life experiences are meant to be shared.  You matter more than you know, especially to the people you haven’t met….yet.  You are the person that will make them feel Loved, accepted and understood.  You are the person who will remind them of their worth and how much this world needs them to live their best life.  You will be the compassionate heart that reminds them that the dawn always comes after the darkest night.  

This will be your Journey.  A Journey that will teach you to embrace the exquisite Power that is within you (and always has been).  I’m not talking about the kind of power that dominates over people.  I’m talking about the power of influence and authenticity.  A Power that is so humble and vulnerable that encourages personal growth and change in others.  A Power that knows when to encourage and when to allow someone to learn what they need to without rescuing them. 

The plan isn’t for you to go searching for someone to impact.  The plan is for you to continue to embrace your inner beauty and grow in Wisdom.  People will cross your path as they are Divinely meant to.

You, my friend, absolutely matter.  Your kind words and soft smile are needed.  That person you spoke the right words to at the exact right time would say that you matter, you made a difference.

You ARE what you BELIEVE.  

Don’t EVER let anyone steal that from you.  It can only be taken if you allow it to be.