
Facing Old Wounds Head On

Sher Episode 37

Welcome to the Dontbeacrumbqueen podcast.  My name is Sher and I’m your host.

In this episode, I’m going to talk about “Facing Old Wounds Head On” especially when it comes to relationships.  We’ve ALL been wounded but HOW you deal with those wounds is what will impact your life going forward.  

 Most of our wounds stem from childhood, past trauma and abusive broken relationships.  When we get hurt, it’s a natural response to put on armor and build walls as a defense mechanism against incredible pain.  We self-protect.  While protecting your heart is important, old wounds must be faced head on so you stop repeating the same cycle.  

Welcome to the Dontbeacrumbqueen podcast.  My name is Sher and I’m your host.

In this episode, I’m going to talk about “Facing Old Wounds Head On” especially when it comes to relationships.  We’ve ALL been wounded but HOW you deal with those wounds is what will impact your life going forward.  

Most of our wounds stem from childhood, past trauma and abusive broken relationships.  When we get hurt, it’s a natural response to put on armor and build walls as a defense mechanism against incredible pain.  We self-protect.  While protecting your heart is important, old wounds must be faced head on so you stop repeating the same cycle.  

You can’t change what you don’t see.

When we get hurt emotionally, doubt finds a way in.  We question our ideas about love, trust, integrity and even our own intuition.  Our hearts and spirits have been deeply wounded, however, those past hurts CAN lead to stronger, healthier relationships going forward but it’s going to take courage and work on your part.  Is it going to be uncomfortable?  Yes it will.  No one likes to admit the areas of their life that need improvement.  Although the emotional armor you’ve created may not be easy to shed, YOU get to decide whether those old wounds will forever hold you back or propel you forward into deeper personal growth.

So where do you start?  

Well, you start by agreeing with yourself to not let your past experiences define you.  Healing must be an intentional decision. This means taking action, not just talking about it.  It will require you to be gut wrenching honest with yourself as you explore the deep caverns of your heart.  Those areas you sealed off long ago.  No more Blaming, only Acceptance, Grace, and Forgiveness.  The three most important stepping stones that will enable you to change your story going forward.  Seeing your Life Lessons as growth opportunities changes your mindset from victim to Overcomer.   You have to want to get past your Past.

The Journey towards healing your mind, body and spirit will not be an easy one nor is there a quick solution to make it all go away.  Patience and persistence in small, consistent steps is going to be key to gaining strength and taking back your power.  It will require you to set boundaries that you didn’t have before and even letting go of certain people in your life who are unhealthy.  Don’t be surprised when you experience setbacks, it’s where the learning is and it’s normal.  A setback usually reveals a core wound that needs to be healed.  It’s being brought into the Light so it will no longer remain hidden.  

As you begin to identify and acknowledge the wounds, they loosen their grip on you.  Your busyness to keep them at bay will begin to morph into Peace as you learn to slow down, sit with them, and then bid them goodbye.  You will never be able to move forward in life if you continue to bring your past with you.  Your body feels it, your mind keeps replaying old messages, and your Spirit longs for Freedom.  Only YOU get to rewrite the Story.  

Remember this, YOU are important.  YOU are valuable.  YOU are worthy of being Loved.  Don’t let the pain of old wounds hold you prisoner.  You’re standing at a crossroad and you have a choice.  You can choose to reinvent your life using your past experiences or you can stay exactly where you are and never become all that you were called and created to be.  

I hope you choose the former.  This is YOUR time.  Seize the day.  Be Brave.  Say YES.  Be Seen.  Be Heard.  Reclaim your power.  The world needs you.  Please don’t dim your Light anymore.  YOU were made to shine…brilliantly.