
Re-Write Your Story

Sher Episode 57

I wanted to talk today about the story we tell ourselves.  Each one of us has a story and each one of us can absolutely REWRITE the narrative of our story.  

For a lot of us, the stories we’ve held onto began back in childhood.  We heard (or felt) things like we weren’t attractive enough, we were too fat or too skinny, or we weren’t the sharpest tool in the shed.  You fill in the blank.  The thing is that’s NOT our story.  Those were simply opinions of others that we allowed to stick to us throughout our lives.  By allowing those labels to stick, we began to believe they were true and lived our lives as such.  

Welcome to the Dontbeacrumqueen podcast.  My name is Sher and I’m your host.

I wanted to talk today about the story we tell ourselves.  Each one of us has a story and each one of us can absolutely REWRITE the narrative of our story.  

For a lot of us, the stories we’ve held onto began back in childhood.  We heard (or felt) things like we weren’t attractive enough, we were too fat or too skinny, or we weren’t the sharpest tool in the shed.  You fill in the blank.  The thing is that’s NOT our story.  Those were simply opinions of others that we allowed to stick to us throughout our lives.  By allowing those labels to stick, we began to believe they were true and lived our lives as such.  

When you believe a story someone else has created about you it’s easy for your self esteem to take a nose dive.  The mind can be cruel as it replays the same old record with the same negative message in your head.  You may not be able to change the past but you sure as heck can change the story you tell yourself about it.

Experiences in our lives are meant to be opportunities for personal growth.  They are not meant to keep us stuck.  For example, let’s say you didn’t have a loving, supportive family growing up.  I’m betting there was someone in your life though that believed in you and encouraged you.  They brought to you what others could not give, so you see, something DID work out for you.  Maybe it didn’t come through the people you wanted it to but it is still worth being Grateful for.  You were not forgotten.

I think one of the hardest things we will ever do when it comes to personal growth is interrupt our negative thought pattern.  For some reason, the pity parties we throw ourselves are pretty good especially when we look around and see people getting what WE want in Life.  While that may appear true, you don’t know their story or what they’ve lived through.  Do you know what kind of commitment they made to do the hard shadow work within to bring about that change?  You don’t.  Instead, you put on a party hat and agree with the negative voice in your head saying you’ll never have that.  Things will never work out for you like that because they never have.  

My friend, you have just declared a self fulfilling prophecy.  I’m a firm believer that if you say it long enough, it will happen.  It’s nothing short of self sabotage.  Maybe that’s the place you prefer to live.  After all, it feels safer when things don’t work out because then you don’t have to face failure or disappointment.  It’s just the way life is for you.

I hate to tell you but you drank the Kool-aid.  Nothing could be further from the Truth.  YOU alone are keeping yourself in prison and you alone can change that.  

In order to find freedom, you have to STOP ruminating about what you don’t have, whether that is in the past or the present.  Start reminding yourself what you DO have!  Decide which Truth you are going to listen to.  The one that says you can’t (inner critic) or the One that says you can.  

There is a saying I just heard and I absolutely love it  – Rejection is Redirection.  Just because something hasn’t worked out the way you wanted it to doesn’t mean there’s not something better coming even if you can’t see it.  We ALL wish we could look into a crystal ball and see our future.  How easy would it be to Believe in good things then!

Get curious about yourself and re-write the narrative of your story.  You don’t have to keep limiting yourself.  You were meant for so much more.

Do the work.  Even if you have to get help to do it whether that’s with a therapist, counselor or someone.  You won’t be sorry.

RE-WRITE your story.  You deserve that!